Basset & Gold Review

What Is Basset & Gold – Does It Scam Or Really Work?Read My Real The Basset & Gold Fixed Income Bond Advantages Review Before Free System Start!

Product Name : Basset & Gold

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Our mission is to create investment opportunities that are easy to understand, transparent and that continuously control risk while maintaining market leading returns that meet YOUR investment goals.Basset & Gold are a team of seasoned professionals, with decades of experience in finance, who advise and provide financing to marketplace and peer-to-peer lending platforms and direct loans. Basset & Gold look to provide everyday investors with the opportunity to take advantage of an offer that was previously available only to institutional and ultra-high net worth investors, and gain attractive returns from as little as £1,000 by purchasing the Basset & Gold Fixed Income bonds.

What Exactly Is Basset & Gold?

Basset & Gold,A group of companies working together for YOU The bonds are issued by our sister company, Basset & Gold Plc. The firm that is promoting the bonds and arranging your investment is Basset Gold Ltd. If you have a claim or complaint against Basset Gold Ltd., and are an eligible claimant, you have rights to access the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).

How Well Basset & Gold Work For You?

  • Investing with a regulated firm: Basset Gold Ltd. is an appointed representative of Gallium Fund Solutions Ltd. which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA).
  • You can view our status by searching the FCA’s financial services register. As an investor, this means that you can enjoy peace of mind knowing that our activities are supervised by Gallium, who are regulated and are our principal firm, and that eligible claimants may benefit from the protection of the Financial Services Compensation Scheme (FSCS) and the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS).
  • No investor has ever lost money with Basset Gold, and we intend to keep it that way! A 100% track record is something to be proud of, and we are! Basset & Gold Plc. has never missed any payment to investors and no investor has ever lost money with Basset & Gold Plc. In addition, all payments are made directly to your bank account, so you don’t have to request to withdraw your interest payments, creating a truly hassle-free investment.
  • How can Basset & Gold offer such high returns? Basset & Gold returns are not outstanding in the institutional investment world, such as pension funds, who are managing everyday investors’ savings, and probably yours as well.
  • They came from this world and quickly realised that with so many middlemen, such as banks and fund managers, end investors end up receiving a significantly lower return than the borrower pays while many “hands” enjoy a cut of their profit.
  • The financial technology revolution has enabled investors to cut out the middleman and enjoy higher returns through unique offerings such as the Basset & Gold Fixed Income Bonds.
  • Basset & Gold Plc. provides financing to UK lending platforms. Company typically charge between 8-15% p.a. and because there are no middlemen or fees our structure is more cost effective and so we are able to pass on higher interest rates to our investors.
  • Investors are allocated into facilities based on their selected bond, allowing us to offer various terms and liquidity options.


If You Want to Make Fixed Income Investments With Basset & Gold Here Is What You NEED:

  • We see our investors as our partners, so we make sure we only make money when our investors make money.
  • There are no charges, no setup costs, no management fees and no hidden costs. You know your interest rate before you invest, and you can rest assured that your interest rate will not change throughout the duration of your investment.
  • Basset & Gold Plc’s profit lies in the gap between the income from financing activities and the interest paid to investors, so you can rest assured that we are not tempted to reduce risk or operate in a way that is counterproductive to our returns since our profit comes from the interest earned on investments and not from fees or other incentives that may potentially be in conflict with your objectives.
  • We believe that our fixed-rate bonds are an ideal way to generate a monthly income from your savings. You are rewarded for long-term commitment with fixed monthly interest payments directly into your bank account, boosting your monthly income without depleting your long-term savings.
  • Our office hours are Monday – Friday, 08:30 to 17:30.

    Freephone: 0800-249 4555

    Investor support:

    Press enquiries:

  • Please note we can only accept investors who are UK residents that are 18+. Calls may be monitored and recorded for training and security purposes.

Benefits You Will Learn From Basset & Gold Monthly Income Bonds:

  • Current Availability Find an investment that meets your goals.
  • The Basset & Gold Cash Bond is exactly what its name suggests: an alternative method of saving your cash that pays you an attractive annual interest rate in equal bi-annual payments. The Cash Bond is an ideal way to get to know Basset & Gold and the world of online lending, or to park funds with quick and easy access at an attractive rate.
  • 100% Liquidity – The bondholder has the right to request that the Cash Bond be repaid at any time with 30 days’ notice.
  • Investment Amount – the minimum investment is £1,000 and the maximum is £500,000.
  • Annual Interest – 3.14% p.a paid bi- annually. The interest rate will remain the same until the end of the bond’s term.
  • Interest Payments – Interest on our Cash Bond is paid every six months from the date of issue directly into your bank account.
    No fees – 100% of principal returned at term.
  • Fixed Monthly Income Bonds:Basset & Gold Fixed Monthly Income Bonds are designed for investors who are looking to generate a predictable and ongoing cash flow paid directly into their bank accounts every month.
  • 5 Year Compounding High-Yield Bond:
  • Fixed Income Pensioner Bonds by Basset & Gold Plc: The Fixed Income Pensioner Bonds are a unique investment opportunity offered exclusively to investors who are aged 55+ who are looking to generate a predictable and ongoing cash flow from their savings that is paid directly into their bank accounts.


  • The Basset & Gold company has gone from strength to strength since its inception, forging its success around its core values and beliefs:
  • No Hidden Fees or Charges: We are focused on helping you achieve your investment goals. As such, we do not charge any fees from our investors and base our income entirely on profits generated from our financing activities.
  • Customer Care: We value our investors and understand that their time and peace of mind is precious.  That’s why we have a dedicated customer care team that will go the extra mile to answer your queries.
  • High Returns: Whilst Basset & Gold believe in helping businesses in all aspects of their financial success, the company is driven to generate the highest possible returns for its clients.
  • The Global View: Whilst operating exclusively with UK-based investors, Basset & Gold’s knowledge of the global markets allows them to take an unbiased view of UK economy. This means that it takes global matters into consideration when examining our investments in order to deliver the highest returns to our investors.
  • High Level Of Security: High level of security and scrutiny as your investment is initially placed into a segregated account with Basset & Gold’s lawyers who also perform all required Anti Money Laundering checks before the investment is accepted as a bond subscription.
  • Professionalism:Basset & Gold believes each of its investors, however big or small, should be treated with the same professional attitude and high standard of service. We look to provide everyday investors with the opportunity to take advantage of an offer that was previously available only to institutional and ultra-high net worth investors, and gain attractive returns from as little as £1,000 by purchasing the Basset & Gold bonds.
  • Our pricing policy allows us to:offer easy, efficient and attractive financial services. diverse investments types to meet almost every investor`s needs. keep significant default cushions both at the platform level and in corporate provision funds; and professionally choose borrowers for you.


  • Basset & Gold available only here without internet connections you can’t access it.

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Final Conclusion: 

I highly recommended Basset & Gold. Basset & Gold Bonds are offered in various options ranging from absolute liquidity, through monthly cash flow and up to fully reinvested compounded returns, allowing you as an investor to pick a bond or a bond portfolio to best suit your investment objectives.Return on investment is based on an initial investment of £50,000 Returns are pre-tax at the applicable rate.Tax free investments are available through SIPP investments and are based on your SIPP provider.Notes to 5-Year Compounding High-Yield Bond:Monthly returns are for illustrative purpose – your entire capital and interest are paid at the end of the bond term.9.01% interest rate is the simple interest rate received by investors on an annual non-accruing basis. Actual interest is compounded monthly based on 7.46%/12.

Basset & Gold Review

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